Tom Edgar   A2 B2 C2 G2

I have been at Pacific Lutheran University for fifteen years. Before moving to Tacoma, I received a PhD at the University of Notre Dame studying Coxeter groups with Matthew J. Dyer. Previously, I completed a Masters degree at Colorado State University working with Anton Betten, and I did my undergraduate work at Dickinson College. I am interested in the representation theory and combinatorics of Coxeter Groups. I am also interested in partial orders, combinatorial number theory, and integer sequences. More recently, I have become interested in visualization of mathematics (in particular so-called Proofs Without Words). I am currently the editor for the MAA publication Math Horizons. I am also the academic director for Epsilon camp and I will be a distinguished visiting professor at the United States Air Force Academy during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Teaching Spring 2024

Math 245

Discrete Structures
Time: TTh 11:50am - 1:35pm

Spring 2024 Drop-in Office Hours

MCLT 256
  • M: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
  • TTh: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
  • By appointment (in-person or via Zoom)

MAA Publications

Proofs Without Words

Combinatorics and Number Theory

Group Theory

Preprints and other papers

Math Horizons

For the calendar years 2020-2024, I am the editor of Math Horizons, the undergraduate magazine of the Mathematical Association of America.

From the Math Horizons website: Math Horizons is intended primarily for undergraduates interested in mathematics. Our purpose is to introduce students to the world of mathematics outside the classroom. Thus, while we especially value and desire to publish high quality exposition of beautiful mathematics we also wish to publish lively articles about the culture of mathematics. We interpret this quite broadly - we welcome stories of mathematical people, the history of an idea or circle of ideas, applications, fiction, folklore, traditions, institutions, humor, puzzles, games, book reviews, student math club activities, and career opportunities and advice.

Want to read Math Horizons? All MAA members get free electronic access to the magazine - just log in through the MAA website. Non-members can read all past issues (1993-present) on the Taylor & Francis site or at JSTOR. There are also free articles available online:

Please send all submissions and Math Horizons correspondences to my Math Horizons email address: (See the Information for Authors for more information.)